XT4 for valve industry with Dafram

DAFRAM SPA, worldwide leader in the production of ball valves for oil industry, choose our XT4 (automatic bandsaw for high production and industry applications) for their workflow and production.

We're extremely happy to be able to provide reliable and efficient working tools to such an important partner, in a world (valve construction) where precision and accuracy are crucial.

XT SERIES (XT4 – XT5 - XT6) automaitc double column bansaws bring state-of-the-art technology to every workshop who’s looking for the best efficiency and reliability for their workflow; XTs are the best solution for industrial application, high productivity and full material cuts up to 560mm. All the machines of the XT Series are equipped with integrated feeder and 10” touch screen display that includes automaitc cutting parameters and 1200 materials interna library that allow to start a cutting cycle in just few minutes with just few clicks (guided by the easy and intuitive interface).

Know more about our XTSeries bandsaws on our website!